

Bursting with thoughts and memories of my TRUE friends . A thought struck me , How did we all become  friends ? There must have been a magical path that brought us all together . A wonderful whiff of wind that gathered us all in an instant , to be in the same place , same room and the same time of  year of our young lives .

We came from different backgrounds , varied spirits  all eager to embrace  , learn and succeed in life . Some were shy and timid , others sporting a big smile ,and some just as friendly as can be . A hodge – pudge of wholesomeness , in my point of view . Never , did we know that after that first day ……….we would really….. be………………..TRUE FRIENDS for LIFE .

We quickly gravitated towards each other , quite cautious and shy at first . But after a few hours , it was as if we
had been friends before ….funny to recall all this , now….but it gives me great pleasure to do so , just thinking back , with a smile and a giggle ….Not many people have this chance to look back at the so called friends in life and have pleasant memories to write about , right ! Often times , it ends in mishaps and bad feelings that are irreparable , sad , sad and gets swept out into deep waters to forgotten and ignored .

Yes, there are those we often see , but we ignore or turn away as we pass them by in the street …Too bad , the so called friendship was wasted by anger , or a small annoying incident . I mentioned this as a comparison , to the friendship I have with my TRUE friends ….I cannot recall , not one iota , not one arguement  or moments of decent we had . In fact , we truly ,enjoyed each others company day in and day out . This is not a fantasy , but reality !

It was worth waking up for the next day , knowing that , they will all be there , waiting  ,happy ,smiling and laughing
what more could I ask for …! There were days, that I would be sad , and their helping hands and encouragement were overflowing . I must tell you , we all did not judge , look-down nor had thoughts of snobbery, and most of all no jealousy and envy…Nope, we were all equals , enjoying the events that the day would bring , where it will take us , or what new things we would learn and experience .  I would say , that we all left our  personal problems , the moment we leave our homes , and treated the next hours of the days as “THE DAY” of our lives . We all were pure of heart and innocent of the real harshness of the real world .

Little did we know , that feeling like this created a ” Special Bond ” that would last till now ! Yes , Golden Threads
of Lives interwoven so tightly that a FABRIC of INSPIRATION and  Lasting Friendship  was made .

Music was one of the things that collected our thoughts and we reveled and sang our hearts out , every chance we got. In fact , we formed a group , ” The  Young Generation ” , yes, we were all young then and full of dreams and fantasies . Music , carried us away into distant dreams and lands of happiness , and we , I might say were very good in our craft . And up to this day , MUSIC plays a big part of my life and theirs .  It calms me , and takes away the pain of life and it takes me into a different  dimension , out into my fantasy land and dreams old and new .

Each day we honed in our creative minds , perfecting our skills for the real world…we all loved art and creating new innovations using our hands and minds in doing so . Now , I must say and be proud to say we indeed attained our goals in the most fabulous ways . All our hard work and persistence , blossomed into greatness  for all . Earning us honors and awards in different fields of Creativity  and production .

Although we are all scattered all over the world , we are still ” ONE ” in saying…..All of us are …

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